Services Offered:
Manuscript Evaluations: A careful reading of your manuscript resulting in a report on its strengths and areas needing improvement, with a consideration of structure and continuity, content, and clarity of expression.
Developmental Editing: Hands-on editing focusing on the big picture, clarifying concepts and organization, to eliminate repetition and inconsistencies, and make sure your writing is complete, convincing and clear.
Copyediting and line editing: Giving attention to grammar, sentence structure, flow, and factual accuracy. Some authors are ready to begin the editing process here.
Proofreading: A final read to eliminate typos and any remaining errors before you submit your manuscript to an agent, or self-publish.
Book Proposal: Creating a compelling description of your book to present to agents and publishers, distinguishing it from other works in the field, identifying your audience, and developing a marketing plan..
Editorial Consultations: I can help you with many aspects of publishing, including decisions about traditional vs. self-publishing, getting testimonials for your book, developing a website platform, and the best ways to publicize your book.
To arrange for a free initial consultation, email me at:
[email protected].
Developmental Editing: Hands-on editing focusing on the big picture, clarifying concepts and organization, to eliminate repetition and inconsistencies, and make sure your writing is complete, convincing and clear.
Copyediting and line editing: Giving attention to grammar, sentence structure, flow, and factual accuracy. Some authors are ready to begin the editing process here.
Proofreading: A final read to eliminate typos and any remaining errors before you submit your manuscript to an agent, or self-publish.
Book Proposal: Creating a compelling description of your book to present to agents and publishers, distinguishing it from other works in the field, identifying your audience, and developing a marketing plan..
Editorial Consultations: I can help you with many aspects of publishing, including decisions about traditional vs. self-publishing, getting testimonials for your book, developing a website platform, and the best ways to publicize your book.
To arrange for a free initial consultation, email me at:
[email protected].